Getting started#

Data access#

The CCIC data record is available at the Registry of Open Data on AWS:

Reading CCIC data#

Reading CCIC files in .zarr format requires the ccic Python package to be installed and imported. The recommended way to install ccic is using pip:

pip install ccic

Then, CCIC data files can be read using xarray.

import ccic # Required prior to reading CCIC .zarr files.
import xarray as xr

data = xr.open_zarr("ccic_gridsat_xxxxxxxxxxxx.zarr")

The Zarr format allows to store the data arrays in a compressed format suitable for distributed environments and cloud computing. In practice, this means that you do not need to download the full file to access a subset of the data, if you are accessing it remotely.

The CCIC data uses a custom compression codec to encode the numeric data, because it helps to save an enormous amount of disk space. This is why importing the ccic package is required prior to loading CCIC data in Zarr format.


If you forget to import ccic prior to reading a file in Zarr format you will encounter the exception ValueError: codec not available: 'log_bins'. To register the necessary codec, please import the CCIC Python package ccic in every script where you load CCIC data files.

The code above also shows how we recommend opening the CCIC Zarr files, which is using the xarray Python library. Xarray will do a lazy loading of the CCIC file into an xarray.Dataset. Using lazy loading helps to work with large datasets, since several operations can be executed without loading the full dataset, thus saves memory and network traffic, if accessed remotely. There are multiple guides online on how to work with xarray objects.

With xarray you can also access Zarr files stored in cloud storage buckets. For instance, you can load data from the CCIC S3 bucket with:

import ccic
import s3fs
import xarray as xr
# Create a filesystem for S3
s3 = s3fs.S3FileSystem(anon=True)
# Lazy load a CCIC file
ds = xr.open_zarr(s3.get_mapper('chalmerscloudiceclimatology/record/gridsat/2020/ccic_gridsat_202001010000.zarr'))
# Load `tiwp` into memory
# Do stuff with ds.tiwp...

CCIC processing and development#

Advanced use cases of CCIC include running retrievals or extending the ccic package. Both of these use cases have additional requirements. These can be install using

pip install ccic[complete]

Running retrievals#

In order to run CCIC retrievals, you will first need to download the retrieval model from Zenodo.

Processing GridSat B1 input#

Running retrievals on GridSat B1 data requires no further configuration. The command below demonstrates how to run retrievals for the 1 January 2020.

ccic process ccic.pckl gridsat results 2020-01-01T00:00:00 2020-01-02T00:00:00 --targets tiwp tiwc cloud_prob_2d cloud_prob_3d 

Additional options available for the ccic process command can be listed using

ccic process --help

Processing CPCIR data#

Processing CPCIR input data requires setting up the pansat package to autmatically download the required input data. This requires providing pansat with your credentials for the NASA GES DISC server.

NOTE: We recommend creating a new account with throw-away credential for this purpose.

After setting up your account you can configure pansat as follows:

pansat --add "GES DISC" <username>

Pansat will then first prompt you to setup a password for pansat. pansat will use this password to encrypt the log-in data it stores for different data portals. Following this, it will query your password for the NASA GES DISC server.

After setting up pansat like this, you should be able to run the ccic process command for CPCIR input data by simply replacing the cpcir argument with gridsat:

ccic process ccic.pckl gridsat results 2020-01-01T00:00:00 2020-01-02T00:00:00 --targets tiwp tiwc cloud_prob_2d cloud_prob_3d 

To avoid having to enter your pansat password every time when you want to run a retrieval, you can set the PANSAT_PASSWORD environment variable to your password.

Reproducing validation retrievals#

The ccic.validation sub-module contains the implementation of the radar retrieval used to validate the CCIC retrievals. The validation code relies on the artssat package, which will need to be installed to use this functionality. The required package can be installed using

pip install pip install git+ssh://